Cutting EDGE Initiatives

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cutting Edge InitiativesDear Teacher

Sounds good to write one of the tools that promote sanity in the world, the impact of your doings has kept the world the way it is now. I wonder what the world will look like if she never existed. She affects eternity and you can’t even put a boundary to where her influence stops. She puts her effort into stimulating apparent ordinary people. I dare to say that every human defined as great had to pass through her.


All this a fore mentioned is  to create an awareness of the fact that we understand your impact.


Nevertheless there’s more to our expectation of you. The pace of experiential change has reduced because we have our school system enveloped with cravings for grade, so we now have your success tied to number of A’s and B’s your students acquire in examinations.

Hmmmmm….. Does that rightly define a successful teacher? I wish I could get an answer.

In case you were wondering my reference to the education system, yes I meant what I was saying: The school system cannot be defined outside the quality of teachers that make it up. Look less at my digression, our schools now produce students/individuals who are not good for now not to talk of yet or the future. The content of tomorrow is in your class and we’ve only made them conscious of grades and not the problems they can solve, I wonder what the future will look like with the A’s.

Here is the point of my letter, YOUR GOAL AS A TEACHER SHOULD BE RAISING INDIVIDUALS WHO WOULD DREAM BIG DREAMS and not getting obsessed with getting A’s. this is not to look down on A’s but to get our focus shift into breeding individuals who would be problem solvers, great dreamers and world changers. I know the previous line sounds familiar but it’s realistic.

Do you know it’s a privileged to have that student in your class? Not just having him in your class but to be instrumental in charting his life course. Make good use of the opportunities available to you (the students in your classroom). You have people capable of impacting the world in your class, please make this dream a reality….dig into their world and make greatness out of them.



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Iloh Ebuka

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