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Raising Kids as Problem Solvers


Topic: Raising Kids as Problem Solvers

Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend rest and preparing for a GreatMonday

– The optimum essence of Education is to raise kids who are problem solving oriented, It’s not basically about grades or the extrinsic attributes. Focus on grades would eventually turn our kids into ruminant animals who only regurgitate.

So how do we raise kids as Problem Solvers?

– I’ll be sharing three insights with you on how to raise problem solvers. The surest strategy to achieving a pursuit is having a clear Intention. Intentions drive achievements, so the first thing we’ll have to do to raise kids as problem solvers is to teach them:

1. The power of Being Intentional: Because kids learn through a whole lot of mediums, eg. Parents, School Teachers, Environment, Friends and peers. The acquired knowledge from this sources tend to guide their actions and decisions, so it’s important that we teach them how to be intentional with everything they want to do. Being Intentional means having reasons for every actions. Teach your kids to always have reasons for everything they do, it doesn’t end in just having a reason but questioning the rationality of their reasons.
Have you ever asked your kids to know why they do certain things?
Have you ever asked your kid/student if he knows why he goes to school. It all starts with little things like this!

This conversation ensued between Junior and his Teacher
Teacher: How are you Junior
Junior: I’m fine
Teacher: Junior who do you want to become in future?
Junior: I want to become an Engineer
Teacher: Why do you want to become an Engineer?

The conversation continued in that manner. Everything needs to have a reason behind it.
This would help raise kids who are solution Oriented and Intentional. This is also useful in behavior modification.

2. Get your kids involved in problem solving, let them through the process you’re deploying in solving your own problems and there problems too. Get them involved, teach them how to analyse a problem towards getting a solution. Change their perspective of what problems are. Teach them to see it as an opportunity to think.
Dear teacher, teach your students the process and not the conclusion.

3. Teach them to always say what they like and what they don’t like, give them opportunities for expression. Teach to take responsibility for what they don’t like by asking them questions like « what could be done to change it ».

This question patterns help boost there thinking and problem solving ability.

Hope this insights would be helpful in equipping your kids with the 21st century Arsenal.

Iloh Ebuka
Twitter: @ilohebuka1
Cutting EDGE Initiatives
Teachers HUB Africa

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