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All Africa NEEDS!



It’s a beautiful week running at a fast pace.

What do you think about training secondary school students on becoming deliberate with schooling?

Imagine if every graduate had/has a sense of purpose attached to their schooling!

I guess your still thinking: let me tell you what would happen:

1. We would have a reduced rate of unemployment.

2. Crime rate would almost be zero.

3. The economy would be fatter as everyone has been Equipped to contribute tangibly to the growth.

4. Almost everyone is happy:

Our university graduates are almost 98% clueless on what to do with their life upon graduation.

We are currently enlightening secondary school students through Africa.

Don’t you think Africa can turn into this?

That’s why we’ve taken it up to raise creative thinkers and problem solvers in Africa. We already started and the impact is huge.

Call Nnamdi on 08072658324 to get more details and probably get involved!

Ebuka Iloh
Africa’s #1 Education Engineer and Strategist.


B1765C88-5EF7-4D04-8ED0-AC0CABC08FFFComplacency is #dangerous to #progressiveness. 

When you hear the word “Africa”, what comes to your mind first? 

As for me #Unemployment, bad #Education system, bad governance and so on grips my thought of #Africa. Could it be that we bought stagnancy with independence? 


I’m sure attempts have been made to no avail, but the truth is that #Problems are best solved when engaged from the root, Cutting a tree down doesn’t stop it from sprouting again. Hence, uprooting it sounds more viable, what do you think?

Our problems in Africa must be tackled from the perspective of uprooting, mindsets have to be changed, the next #Generation needs to be equipped and so on. 

Report from #unitednations states that our #population will be doubled by 2050 and we are currently 1.2billion people with 98% suffering at a high level. Should we keep folding hands and keep bathing in the shower of poverty and stagnation? Shouldn’t we do something about it? 

Our university’s keep raining down graduates who can’t even wet the ground? Are we going to keep watching it go on? Shouldn’t we do something about it?

Cutting EDGE Initiatives has put up a project to correct this menace, it’s the INFUSE AFRICA PROJECT, IAP for short. IAP is organized to introduce deliberate Education into into secondary schools in Africa, creating a sense problem solving consciousness in the younger generation. We are raising a breed of problem solvers in Africa. We must deliberately equip problem solvers for the task ahead.

We seek for your support, encouragement, volunteer work etc.

We can consciously make Africa great. 

If we all show our lights, then we’ll completely eliminate darkness.

Ebuka Iloh



Problem aolving


There’s a truth that can’t be overemphasized. This truth would determine the future of Africa. The truth is a need for the transformation of Education in Africa. Africa has literally remained stagnant for years because she has given a firm grip to a system that has lost relevance. 

It’s a grand level of mental absurdity when a man holds on to what hasn’t produced the desired result. 

The Education introduced in Africa was aimed at surviving the Industrial Age, when Men were faced with left brain routinely tasks that required little or no level of cognitivity but now the world has long left the Industrial Age yet Africa is still glooming in the past realities. How long shall we keep doing the wrong things and expect a different result. No wonder we’ve kept chasing to meet up and not really moved at the pace of the changing world. No wonder Africa hasn’t ceased depending on foreign aids for survival. Whether we like it or not, the world is changing at a very fast speed, it’s either we keep chasing or we meet up and overcome or lead the next revolutions that would hit the world. The choice is left to us to make, i’ll advice we choose the latter, the realization of the later would be dependent on how well we Redefine our Education system. We need to change the mentality of African students as regards Education into a right one “A set up to being a problem solver.” The Number of Educated Africans ought to reflect in the developement of  Africa and not otherwise, we’ve alternatively increased the liability scale of Africans. Education must be Redefined to mean preparation to becoming a problem solver or we’ll keep chasing and never meet up. 

Cutting EDGE Initiatives has put up a project titled Infuse Africa Project, this project is aimed at orientating Africans on the right sense of Education. We are set to raise a breed of 20000 problem solvers Cutting through Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda and Kenya. 

We’ll be glad to have you support and become part of this project.

Contact: 08165285609, 08072658324 Email.


Cutting Edge Initiatives

A Visit to God’s Care International

It’s been a while here!

Make sure you see the pictures with a 3D eye. Don’t mind the photographer

Just before I got involved in the midnight journey to Covenant University Sango-Ota, Ogun State, where we hacked the future of Education. It was a great Experience knowing what the future could look like.

That’s by the way, updates soon.

I stopped by God‘s Care international school Gbongan, One of those Rapidly evolving schools in OSUN state. The Growth in this school is jaw dropping

I engaged the Senior students on how to read and assimilate faster. It was an awesome experience as we dived into discussing Education.

Guess what! I returned smiles to faces of students who thought they could never read and understand. They got over excited, we practicalized it, they did it, they saw it and it was real.

Most times, Teachers don’t teach students how to do the things they require of them. They expect a magic to happen.

What ever you want to be seen in your student, take the responsibility to teach it and get them doing it.

If your students don’t read, teach them how to do it. If they don’t think, teach them how to do it. There’s always a “how” to everything.

I look forward to helping your School, Your Students, Your Child.


#Ebuka Iloh
Cutting EDGE Initiatives
Twitter: @ilohebuka1


Hello, good to know you’re reading this.

I’ll love to share with you this ‘GreatMonday’ on the subject: « Mistakes = Mastery »

This concept engaged me through Saturday and I’m sure it will help you as a Teacher or as a Parent raising a kid.

Most time when we see kids make mistakes, it tends to break us up and frustrate us. Mistake is the most effective tool to guarantee mastery when maximized. In the journey to mastery, mistakes are almost inevitable but how we see or handle it matters a lot. Mistakes have to be redefined to become FEEDBACKs.

What I’m trying to say is that, the mistakes kids make is a feedback on there level of mastery, so it’s important that you Analyse the mistakes and make sure it’s effectively corrected. The correction helps the kid/Student attain mastery on whatever he was corrected on.

So the next time that kid makes a mistake, the solution won’t be to rant, abuse, shout at or beat him, the solution would be to Effectively correct the kid towards Mastery.

Less I forget. Correction must be embellished with LOVE. Love is the effective ingredient.

Incase you’re reading and peradventure you’re not a Teacher/Parent. Know that mistakes are Feedbacks, what you do with it matters a lot. When next you make a mistake, Learn the Lesson and move ahead

Mistakes = Mastery

Iloh Ebuka

Raising Kids as Problem Solvers


Topic: Raising Kids as Problem Solvers

Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend rest and preparing for a GreatMonday

– The optimum essence of Education is to raise kids who are problem solving oriented, It’s not basically about grades or the extrinsic attributes. Focus on grades would eventually turn our kids into ruminant animals who only regurgitate.

So how do we raise kids as Problem Solvers?

– I’ll be sharing three insights with you on how to raise problem solvers. The surest strategy to achieving a pursuit is having a clear Intention. Intentions drive achievements, so the first thing we’ll have to do to raise kids as problem solvers is to teach them:

1. The power of Being Intentional: Because kids learn through a whole lot of mediums, eg. Parents, School Teachers, Environment, Friends and peers. The acquired knowledge from this sources tend to guide their actions and decisions, so it’s important that we teach them how to be intentional with everything they want to do. Being Intentional means having reasons for every actions. Teach your kids to always have reasons for everything they do, it doesn’t end in just having a reason but questioning the rationality of their reasons.
Have you ever asked your kids to know why they do certain things?
Have you ever asked your kid/student if he knows why he goes to school. It all starts with little things like this!

This conversation ensued between Junior and his Teacher
Teacher: How are you Junior
Junior: I’m fine
Teacher: Junior who do you want to become in future?
Junior: I want to become an Engineer
Teacher: Why do you want to become an Engineer?

The conversation continued in that manner. Everything needs to have a reason behind it.
This would help raise kids who are solution Oriented and Intentional. This is also useful in behavior modification.

2. Get your kids involved in problem solving, let them through the process you’re deploying in solving your own problems and there problems too. Get them involved, teach them how to analyse a problem towards getting a solution. Change their perspective of what problems are. Teach them to see it as an opportunity to think.
Dear teacher, teach your students the process and not the conclusion.

3. Teach them to always say what they like and what they don’t like, give them opportunities for expression. Teach to take responsibility for what they don’t like by asking them questions like « what could be done to change it ».

This question patterns help boost there thinking and problem solving ability.

Hope this insights would be helpful in equipping your kids with the 21st century Arsenal.

Iloh Ebuka
Twitter: @ilohebuka1
Cutting EDGE Initiatives
Teachers HUB Africa

The Magic of Metacognition

As Teachers we expect students to learn all of the materials we throw at them but rarely spend time teaching them how to Learn.

if we’ll get better results out of our teaching then we’ll have to introduce the concept of METACOGNITION in our classrooms.

Metacognition is basically thinking about thinking, that is, the understanding and awareness or analysis of ones own learning or thinking. We will have to teach our students to take responsibility of their learning by making them understand that their ability is elastic. The elasticity of their ability defines the fact that they can learn anything they choose to learn.

students with good METACOGNITION skills will take ownership for their learning and not just waiting for the Teacher.

Research has shown that Students attribute success to good luck but attribute failures to Ability.

You must erase the basis  of this attributions by redirecting Success to hard work and Failures to “NOT YET.”

With this you would have set your class to a high standard and a result oriented classroom.

Iloh Ebuka


Twitter: @ilohebuka1


Education is the awareness of the human mind to notice his environment, both internal and external, to harness its potentials and be of an impactful existence. Our Education must translate to a positive impact in our society and not increment of people’s  NUISANCE VALUE . Dear Teacher let your Teaching go beyond writing on the board.




Do you have plans for 2017 that have sworn not to embrace fruition? Would you want to Experience a Better 2018 with your dreams and aspiration steering gallantly at your faces in an array of Elegance? Then let’s be in THE RENDEZVOUZ 2018.

You’ll experience/learn tools to paint your dreams colour REAL and ACHIEVED.

It’s happening in OSUN STATE on the 3rd of Jan. 2018. To participate just click on the link below for registration.

You can’t afford to miss the experience…
do well to hit the share button on your Facebook pages to share with your friends


cutting Edge InitiativesDear Teacher

Sounds good to write one of the tools that promote sanity in the world, the impact of your doings has kept the world the way it is now. I wonder what the world will look like if she never existed. She affects eternity and you can’t even put a boundary to where her influence stops. She puts her effort into stimulating apparent ordinary people. I dare to say that every human defined as great had to pass through her.


All this a fore mentioned is  to create an awareness of the fact that we understand your impact.


Nevertheless there’s more to our expectation of you. The pace of experiential change has reduced because we have our school system enveloped with cravings for grade, so we now have your success tied to number of A’s and B’s your students acquire in examinations.

Hmmmmm….. Does that rightly define a successful teacher? I wish I could get an answer.

In case you were wondering my reference to the education system, yes I meant what I was saying: The school system cannot be defined outside the quality of teachers that make it up. Look less at my digression, our schools now produce students/individuals who are not good for now not to talk of yet or the future. The content of tomorrow is in your class and we’ve only made them conscious of grades and not the problems they can solve, I wonder what the future will look like with the A’s.

Here is the point of my letter, YOUR GOAL AS A TEACHER SHOULD BE RAISING INDIVIDUALS WHO WOULD DREAM BIG DREAMS and not getting obsessed with getting A’s. this is not to look down on A’s but to get our focus shift into breeding individuals who would be problem solvers, great dreamers and world changers. I know the previous line sounds familiar but it’s realistic.

Do you know it’s a privileged to have that student in your class? Not just having him in your class but to be instrumental in charting his life course. Make good use of the opportunities available to you (the students in your classroom). You have people capable of impacting the world in your class, please make this dream a reality….dig into their world and make greatness out of them.



We are passionate about redefining Education in Africa.



Iloh Ebuka